The Wedding Present Cup: The Final! (Part 3/3)


And so we finally reach the final post...

Scores after the second round of the final:

At this stage, it's looking like there are two races: Dalliance and WHISN? battling for the title; MFD and Dare vying for the bronze medal...

84 Dalliance
78 What Have I Said Now?
56 My Favourite Dress
54 Dare

Before we get to the final results, here are some stats re the judges' final votes:

Votes per song:

Scoring pattern:

Round 3

My Favourite Dress v Dare
In the battle for third place, Dare needed to overcome a two-point deficit to overtake MFD. It fell just short, however, with this tie ending in stalemate. For the third time, Johnny gave MFD maximum points, but this time he was joined by Joanna and Mike.

34 My Favourite Dress
34 Dare

What Have I Said Now? v Dalliance
Mandy's comment was, 'I make no bones about Seamonsters containing all the best tunes, and Dalliance is right up there in the best of the best.' Ian's summary: 'A brave showing from WHISN? but the extra quality of the Dalliance team shaded it.' 

28 What Have I Said Now?
40 Dalliance

The final scores:

124 Dalliance
106 What Have I Said Now?
 90  My Favourite Dress 
 88  Dare

Dalliance is crowned as the champion of TWP songs.

For any of you who might be interested, you can download the spreadsheet with all of the results here

It's been a very long process (36 posts over 9 months), and I'd like to offer sincere thanks to the other 16 judges for their perseverance, good humour and entertaining commentary. And also for their support, epitomised by this message from Bob:

I suppose I should thank you for being such a boring c**t that you've organised this all and crunched the numbers and chased the slackers for the last 9 months. I'm not sure how you find the time what with working, being a dad and being a massive c**t, but I'm glad you did.

Thanks also to those on the Barmy Army Facebook page who read and commented.

There will be a Cinerama Cup starting in September - with an even bigger judging panel!

Thanks for reading.



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