The Wedding Present Cup: Index / Introduction

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Welcome to the Wedding Present Cup competition. We will be voting on the 223 songs I covered in the Suddenly It's Tuesday blog plus the tracks from 24 Songs.

As I pointed out in the blog, the whole notion of ranking the songs is of course fundamentally flawed, and this cup competition will be no different. But that doesn't mean we can't have fun doing it... Comments expressing disagreement, support, exasperation or disbelief are welcome, as long as they are constructive and polite!

The Format

The first stage will consist of 16 groups of 15/16 songs, chosen by a random number generator. Votes will be in 'Eurovision style', i.e. 12/10/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1. The top 8 from each group will go through.

The second stage will consist of 8 groups of 16. The top 4 of each group will go through. The panel can award their marks 16,15,14... down to 3,2,1 - or they can redistribute their points as they see fit, within these criteria:

  • Total points awarded must add up to 136
  • They can give no more than 25 points to any song
  • They must award points to at least 10 songs (i.e. no more than 6 zeros) 

That will leave us with 32 songs, which will go into knock-out ties.

Rather than a semi-final/final, the last 4 will be voted on in a 'round robin' format (more details when we get to that stage).

The Voting Panel

Marks will be awarded by 17 members of the Scopitones (now known as the Something and Nothing) forum. The forum thread is here.

Stage 1

Group 1 (MFD wins by a mile; White Christmas gets zero)

Group 2 (Deer Caught in the Headlights goes through but divides the panel)

Group 3 (Our second 'nul points' and our first tie-break)

Group 4 (Another 'nul points' and not much joy for Going Going and 24 Songs)

Group 5 (Yet another zero-point cover; Catwoman makes a sad exit)

Group 6 (Take Fountain tracks dominate; Peek-a-boo becomes the lowest-scoring original so far)

Group 7 (Non-album tracks fill 5 of the 8 qualifying slots)

Group 8 (Heather equals MFD for the highest score so far; Secretary manages 27 points!)

Group 9 (Dalliance triumphs, unsurprisingly; Pain Perdu is panned; Felicity divides opinion)

Group 10 (Project Cenzo squeezes through; two more covers get nul points)

Group 11 (Bewitched gains the highest total so far; covers fare really badly again)

Group 12 (The top eight are streets ahead of the rest)

Group 13 (You Should Always Keep in Touch With Your Friends is out clearest winner so far)

Group 14 (A very tight finish at the top)

Group 15 (Not the strongest group - some made it through that possibly wouldn't have in different company)

Group 16 (Top 4 are streets ahead of the rest; Keg fails to save Jumper Clown from an early exit)

Stage 1 Statistics

'Nul Points' - The songs that exited at the first stage without troubling the scoreboard

Stage 2

Group A

Group B

The Final Stage

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3 - the final result!


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