The Wedding Present Cup: Last 32 Stats


Songs that qualified for the last 16 by year of first release:

N.B. The x axis only includes the years TWP released new material.

Songs that qualified for the last 16 by album:

Comparison with my blog rankings

How the 16 qualifiers ranked on my blog:

Songs from my top16 that didn't make it to this stage:
  • 1  Crawl
  • 3  Take Me!
  • 4  Anyone Can Make A Mistake
  • 6  Suck
  • 7  Blonde
  • 14 Click Click
  • 16 Santa Monica

The judges

The number of their last 32 picks that qualified:

14 Gricey
13 Gav M / John
12 Johnny / Harry / Ali
11 Gav F / Ian / Bob / Joanna / James / Mike / Kirk
10 Mandy
 9 Steve / Keg / Steve M


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