The Wedding Present Cup: Last 32 knock-out round - ties 1-4


The panel can now, with some relief, put away their calculators, spreadsheets and abacuses and just make yes/no decisions. The table showing individual votes is below the list of results.

My Favourite Dress v Anyone Can Make A Mistake

Three of these four ties were easy decisions for me, even without consulting my blog ranking. ACMAM was my number four ranking, and I voted for it without hesitation. I knew though, that it was probably destined for defeat, as did Johnny: 

'I've settled on ACMAM (even though I know it won't go through) as... NOTHING will ever make me thrash around the living room in giddy gay abandon like Anyone Can Make a Mistake.'

Sadly, we were both proved right, with only Gav M joining us in the lost cause.

14 My Favourite Dress
 3  Anyone Can Make A Mistake

No v Everyone Thinks He Looks Daft

I was a little bemused that forgettable jangly plodder 'No' even made it into the second stage, and so I was gobsmacked when it secured second place in Group A. For me, the fact that it now finds itself in the last 16 (albeit by the slimmest of margins) defies all rational explanation, but that's democracy for you I guess.

9 No
8 Everyone Thinks He Looks Daft

A Million Miles v Suck

A very close one: with only three votes left, these two were tied at 7-7. I agreed with Gricey, who thought that AMM sounds a little dated compared to 'raw power' of 'Suck', but in the end, the majority of judges went - just - with the jangly nostalgia.

9 A Million Miles
8 Suck

Octopussy v I'm Not Always So Stupid 

The only tie of these four that gave me pause for thought, even though I had 'Octupussy' eight places above its rival on the blog. So despite the fact that I voted against it, I wasn't unhappy to see 'I'm Not Always So Stupid' go through. Gricey was one of the 'Stupid' fans, and took the opportunity to bring a bit of smut to the occasion: 'I'm so torn on this one but think I'm going INASS (snort).'

 7 Octopussy
10 I'm Not Always So Stupid 


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