The Wedding Present Cup: Last 16 knock-out round - ties 1-4


I had imagined that most of the ties at this stage would be tight affairs, but the first four were actually rather one-sided.

My Favourite Dress v No

When you consider the excellent songs didn't even make it to the last 32, I find the presence of 'No' in the final 16 particularly baffling - and I'm not alone in that view. Harry's comment was, 'How on earth is 'No' still in this? I mean, come on people. Get a grip!' Keg was of similar mind: 'Be off with you, bland, unworthy "No"!' 

On the other hand, Gricey described 'No' as 'beautiful', even if he didn't vote for it. Gav M did vote for it: 'A great song. Full of intricate guitar work that really builds as the song progresses. Listening to this alongside the boring old, admittedly classic My Favourite Dress, there's only one winner.'

It isn't a track that I expected to be one of the most divisive ones, but it's all irrelevant now, as it got a predictable hiding from MFD.

15 My Favourite Dress
 2  No

A Million Miles v I'm Not Always So Stupid 

A clash of wistfully romantic George Best era tunes. I found it hard to separate them ('Stupid' was only three places ahead on my blog ranking) but I had presumed that 'A Million Miles' would go through. Shows what I know...

 6  A Million Miles
11 I'm Not Always So Stupid

What Have I Said Now? v Perfect Blue

Another clash of, in some ways, like-minded songs - both of them featuring rousingly climactic finales. I had thought that this might be a particularly close-run race, but once again I was proved wrong.

12 What Have I Said Now?
 5  Perfect Blue

Heather v Flying Saucer

Having (narrowly) knocked out the mighty 'Take Me!' in the previous round, 'Heather' squared up to another big-hitter. This time, it fell short by some distance, convincingly beaten by a track that Steve M described as 'hypnotic, mesmerising, brilliant.' James was a rare dissenting voice: 'I’m not sure why Flying Saucer gets rated so highly.'

 6  Heather
11 Flying Saucer


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