The Wedding Present Cup: Stage 2, Group C


The panel must award a total of 136 points to the songs in these groups; no song may receive more than 25 points, and they must give points to at least 10 of the 16 songs. The top 4 go through to the last 32.

Group C is made up of the qualifiers from groups 5 and 6 in the first stage.

Group C

  • What Have I Said Now?
  • Perfect Blue
  • Don't Touch That Dial
  • Ringway To Seatac
  • Granadaland
  • Corduroy
  • Always The Quiet One
  • Spangle
  • Brassneck
  • Thanks
  • Make Me Smile (Come Up And See Me)
  • Box Elder
  • Love Machine
  • The Girl From the DDR
  • We All Came From The Sea
  • Pinch, Twist, Pull, Release

The Results

In general, the judges found this a tougher group to score than A or B. However, several of them commented that they'd 'settled into' the new scoring method and felt that they'd now found an approach that suited them. Only James has stuck with the same pattern throughout, awarding 16, 15... down to 1 in every round so far. The total number of zeros given increased to 60 (compared with 54/51 in the first two rounds) and six judges used their full quota of six zeros (compared with three on the last two occasions) - perhaps an indication that the panel are being a bit more ruthless and focusing their marks on the tracks they really want to go through...

Having squeezed through in eighth place in group 6, only six points ahead of 'Meet Cute', it was no surprise to see 'Pinch, Twist, Pull, Release' struggle here. It did get a eight from Harry, Bob and Johnny ('beautiful, a heartbreaker,' said the latter), but this didn't stop it finishing at the bottom of the table. 'The Girl From the DDR' would have taken that spot, had it not been for a 25 from Gav M: 'I love this – it’s a good, clever little song... reminds me of happy days of travelling the length of the country when I barely missed a gig.' 'We All Came From The Sea' was championed by Ian ('the best of the 24 songs by a country mile'), but eight zeros left it mired in the relegation zone.

Two of TWP's most highly regarded covers, 'Make Me Smile (Come Up And See Me)' and 'Box Elder', ended up in this group. Neither disgraced themselves here, but they were still a long way short of qualifying. This, and the fact that 'Let's Make Some Plans' - another popular cover - finished in the bottom three of Group A, does not bode well for the other four surviving non-originals, 'Him Or Me (What's It Gonna Be?)', 'Mothers', Getting Nowhere Fast' and 'Pleasant Valley Sunday'.

Mini songs did well in the first stage, but 'Love Machine' was the only one that didn't come in the top three of its group. Consequently, it was no surprise to see it fail to progress, although it did manage a creditable tenth-place finish thanks to decent marks from Harry, John and Gricey.

In group 5, there was much discussion regarding to what extent 'Brassneck' has been diminished by its ubiquity (and also by the type of casual fan who throws their weight around at the front of the stage when it's played). This didn't stop it reaching the second stage, albeit only in fifth place, but its luck ran out here. Other than James' top mark of 16, its highest score was a ten, and Harry, Ian and Gav M blanked it altogether. It will be interesting to see what transpires when we get to 'Kennedy' in group G...

One of the more divisive songs in this round was 'Spangle', with hefty marks from Harry and Joanna, but also a sprinkling of single-figure scores and zeros. The latter generally came from those not enamoured of the version that appeared on Watusi. 'Always The Quiet One' achieved third place in group 6, but struggled here as some of its support dropped away.

By the time around half of the scores had come in, it was obvious that a clear top six was developing. It wasn't clear which of the four would make it through until the last few marks came in, although 'What Have I Said Now?' (despite my reservations about the song, which didn't even make the top 40 in my blog) established a clear lead early on and finished top by some distance. In the end, it was 'Ringway To Seatac' and 'Granadaland' that missed out.

'Perfect Blue' pipped 'Don't Touch That Dial' to second place by virtue of winning the head-to-head votes 10-6 (marked in red in the table below). 'Corduroy' qualified in fourth place, despite a zero from Gav F: 'the most overrated song in TWP’s entire back catalogue.'


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